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Programming projects under open license


By On 04/12/2014

Icone GitBlit is a software that allows you to host a Git server with a Web interface. With it you can manage different linked projects/ressources.

Installing Gitblit is quite easy, download, extract, launch. This way, the service is installed and your team can work on it.
You just have to configure a few accounts (or link the application to an Active Directory) and it's done.

For those who since the begining are asking themselves "what the **** is a Git server?" : to make short, it's a system allowing you to version your source code and do some parallel tasks on the same project without errors.

Project Summary

Some public websites allow you to do that kind of work (if you trust the host), for example or
The interest of GitBlit here is to host yourself the same kind of server if the security of projects is a fundamental composant.


By On 13/11/2014

HeadBlocks is a plugin for the famous Minecraft.
More precisely, it's a server plugin compatible with Bukkit.

Aperçu HeadBlocks

This plugin allows you to add a block on a player's head.
It seems useless but on a multiplayer server it can be a good way to recognize teams for example.

To use it, you just have to copy the following .jar file : HeadBlocks.jar in the "plugins" folder of your Bukkit server.

For more information see the project on GitHub.


By On 13/11/2014

Logo PlugDJ is a website allowing you to listen and promote music freely.

Composed of various rooms (mostly thematic) everyone can freely listen or share musics of their choice.

Aperçu HybrisPlugDJ

This script gives you various automatic/manual operations inside the application in order to retain information, interactivity or simply to grow up in "levels" quickly.

Written in javascript (with the help of JQuery library and the PlugDJ's API) this programm is given under GPLv3 license.

It is available on at the following address :

It is possible to autostart if GreaseMonkey (fore Firefox) or TamperMonkey (for Chrome) is installed on your browser with the following UserScript :